Asberger Syndrome More Condition_symptoms Do I Have Asberger's Syndrome?

Do I have Asberger's syndrome? - asberger syndrome more condition_symptoms

It seems to me face conflicting reports and diagnostic features Asberg's syndrome. To my regret, many of these diagnoses are contradictory and raise more questions than answers. Limit and to avoid social interaction seems to be the reference point for examining Asberg, be considered a few other "symptoms".

Yes, I meet the criteria in relation to socialibity, slightly above average intelligence, fascinating, unusual things that are frivolous and often meaningless. Recently had my fascination with video games, I play for hours. It is settled, dissolves the world around me into oblivion, and nothing else matters. Despite calls for outing "sometimes:" I'd rather be alone, ifHermit.

However, there is a special characteristic of mine that eclipse all previous in my speech, without a doubt, it seems, is "better than average." I have often teased or detailed, sometimes regarded as "arrogant" for the cause of my lexicon. Anyway, I'm not bragging as much as I prove that I really quite the opposite of the main features of autism, which will have impaired language skills.

In addition to the issue of language, I have an unusual propensity for language teaching. I take pleasure in learning but not required, at specific times or schedules to follow. You simply have to "grow" on me, and I buy over time, either by random visions of textbooks or listening to music sung in the language. At that moment I was fluent in five and now I am learning my sixth.

Lattermost confirm Given the foregoing, and in particular paragraph that you have Asberg syndrome?


me said...

Asperger's largest and most important problem is that those affected have little emotional - compassion - empathy or concern for the understanding of others. Someone can go through an emotional crisis and do not understand, is fear. In addition, inappropriate responding to a group of friends and emotional needs of the family. If someone is annoyed with them for their lack of understanding is surprised that his remark was greeted like this ... They are very arrogant and demanding.

Also grimaces. If a person Asperger's focus on her face and body dysmorphic often drool. Information not withdraw even if their fans are interested in privacy. In a relationship that began in privacy.

Think Dr. Spock. Something is logical or not logical. Since these 2 subjects were not in the list of questions that I think your "symptoms" are just part of a very focused mind. Revel in it. Enjoy your uniqueness. Rather Exit!

All functions of shares of Asperger freaks .. in the blood. ...

* Do you already have a good connection with the mother of your friends? Did you feel bad about your friend? More importantly, if your friend came to you and said I need your help, I am angry with my mother, and just needs to talk, you care enough to listen.

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